solar panel imaginary image Uttarakhand solar power plant

In the mountainous regions of Uttarakhand, there will now be five solar power plants (solar plants) up to five megawatts. So far, Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Department (UREDA) had installed 107 solar power
plants of five kW two years ago in the district.

According to information received from UREDA, 4.5 million acres of land will be required for a solar plant of up to five MW. So far, some kilowatt plants were being planted here. Now more capacity plants will be installed here. The rules for planting large solar power plants in the mountains have been prepared at the government level. After planting, the energy corporation will buy electricity according to the unit. 4.50 acres of land will be required to set up one MW solar power plant.

These big plants can be planted in people's empty land. To apply them, Ureda will also take land in the rental.
In the hill areas, the procedure for installing five MW solar power plant has been prepared at the government level. Soon the department will initiate further action.
– Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Project Officer Ureda, Champawat

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