Culture & People

Uttarakhand is a culturally colourful society which is divided into two major regions of Garhwal and Kumaon. The population of Uttarakhand as of 2011 census is 10,166,752 with a density of 190 people per square kilometre. Hindi and Sanskrit are the official languages of the state.Uttarakhand is a culturally colourful society which is divided into two major regions of Garhwal and Kumaon. The population of Uttarakhand as of 2011 census is 10,166,752 with a density of 190 people per square kilometre. Hindi and Sanskrit are the official languages of the state

Uttarakhand is a culturally colourful society which is divided into two major regions of Garhwal and Kumaon. The population of Uttarakhand as of 2011 census is 10,166,752 with a density of 190 people per square kilometre. Hindi and Sanskrit are the official languages of the state. Uttarakhand is a culturally colourful society which is divided into two major regions of Garhwal and Kumaon. The population of Uttarakhand as of 2011 census is 10,166,752 with a density of 190 people per square kilometre. Hindi and Sanskrit are the official languages of the state

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