The Uttarakhand school education department is all set to instruct its 12 lakh students across the 18,000-odd schools to chant the Bhojan Mantra (a mantra for food) before having the mid-day meals. The Sanskrit mantra will also be painted on the walls of the kitchens in all schools.

In July first week, during a review meeting of the school education department, Uttarakhand School Education Minister Arvind Pandey and the officials in the meeting suggested that the daily chanting of the Bhojan Mantra be incorporated in the school curriculum.

R. K. Kunwar, Director, School Education, said, “In the review meeting, the school education minister and several officials of the school education department suggested that the Bhojan Mantra be chanted before children eat the mid-day meals. We are planning to send out instructions for it to the concerned offices. However, chanting the mantra or painting it on the kitchen walls won’t be compulsory. It will be left to the discretion of the school authorities and the students.”

Read More at: The Indian Express
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