Upcoming elections of 2019 are inviting more and more politicians to West UP to meet farmers. On Sunday, former chief minister Harish Rawat lashed out at BJP central and state government for not meeting the expectations of the farmers. While addressing the kisan rally at Charthawal village in Muzaffarnagar. Rawat said, BJP government is yet to fulfil its promise to hike minimum price support. Even the government is not purchasing the produce from farmers directly. Government is yet to ensure the payment of pending cane dues. Further, he ensured that farmers can choose to begin the new era of growth and fulfilment by bringing Congress back to power.

Harish Rawat interacted with media thereafter. He stated, “the Congress party has clear cut agenda to improve the lives of farmers making them wealthier. We will resolve all the problems faced by the farmers and provide them freedom from the loans.”

He did not missed the opportunity to speak on Goods and Services Tax (GST) implemented by current prime minister Mr Narendra Modi. He said, “Congress party will come out with better and improved version of GST making it simple and easy eventually giving relief to businessman and minor traders.”

Image Source: TOI

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